Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Finding my Focal Point

Today is a day of reordering my priorities and focusing my life.  I read my devotional this morning from Psalm 100, thus came the name for this blog.  Psalm 100:4 says, "Know ye that the Lord He is God.  It is He who has made us and not we ourselves."  So I am asking Him to make me over. I am going to give 100% for 100 days and see how my life, my attitude and my weight can be transformed. I know that I will be successful with His help if I stay focused and stay the course!

As I watched Extreme Weight Loss last night on TV, something they said struck me.  "When you slip you must confess, reassess and recommit."  I know these principles in my spiritual life, but had never really applied them to weight loss, so today is my confession day. For so long I have played around at this weight loss effort, wasting time, money and all the while talking a good game. I don't downplay what I have done - I have lost 25 pounds with Weight Watchers so far, but I need to step up my game, follow the plan more closely and be a true success story. I need to commit 100% or quit.  There is no try; do or do not!

This is the first day of the rest of my life.......I am going for 100 days of transformation.  I will have hubby take my photo everyday for 100 days and I commit 100% to the cause.......because he deserves to have his wife back and I deserve to have my health and vitality back.  Am I going to post my pictures daily?  Not sure, but I think so.  It is another step in accountability.  

Let the sweat begin!